Friday, March 16, 2007

IPJC features Great Turning author

The Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center (IPJC) hosts author David Korten on Tuesday, March 13, 7-9pm, at Pigott Auditorium, Seattle University. Korten will discuss his new book The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community. Free will offering. Open to the public.

The Great Turning reveals how Empire, which has always resulted in misery for the many and fortune for the few, now threatens the future of humanity and the planet. Advocating for "Earth Community," Korten will show that we humans can choose to turn this moment of planetary crisis into a new era, grounded in the life-affirming values of community, caring and cooperation.

Sponsored by the Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center and Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry. Seattle University is located at 901 12th Ave, Seattle 98122.