Saturday, December 1, 2007

What does 'mission' mean? Come and find out my friend!

If you're curious as to what 'Jesuit Mission' means or is all about, come Monday Dec. 3, Tuesday Dec. 4 and Wednesday Dec. 5 to 'Preparing our Hearts for Mission: In the Vision and Mission of St. Ignatius'. Three dynamic speakers will be presenting on what mission is all about and how we can partner with one another in living out a faith that does justice.

Come to any or all three nights! It's taking place at Seattle U at the Chapel of St. Ignatius, off of 12th ave. and Marion. Invite friends too! Starts at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm.

Sponsored by St. Joe's, Ignatian Spirituality Center, Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center, Magis: Alumni Committed for Mission and the Society of Jesus Oregon Province.