Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cool Pics on St Joe Site

Just to let you know, in case you haven't already noticed, there are some great pics on the St Joseph website. On the front page, the usual slideshow presentation now features pics from the centennial mass and the gala, including some familiar party people!

Speakeasy Thursdays, Spirituality on Tap

Speakeasy is our weekly faith-sharing and exploring experience Thursdays at 7 pm in the lower level of the St. Joseph Parish Center. We focus on the readings for the coming Sunday's mass in a contemplative setting, coming together to nourish our faith. The next Speakeasy is set for Thursday, May 10.

Speakeasy meets weekly except for the third Thursday of the month which is the Ignatian Spirituality Center's Spirituality on Tap presented at various parishes in the archdiocese. Next week, Thursday, May 17, 7 pm, Spirituality on Tap heads to St. Edwards Parish Center Chapel, 4212 S. Mead St., Seattle 98118. Our own Deacon Steve W. will lead us in exlporing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. More info next week.

BTW: Looking ahead a bit, Speakeasy will run to the end of Easter season which culminates on Pentecost Sunday, May 27, so the last weekly Speakeasy will be May 24. Don't worry, though, it's not going away, just going on summer vay-kay. Of course, there's lots more other stuff coming up this summer, so stay tuned.