Monday, March 12, 2007

SOT: Celtic Spirituality and Prayer

If you're after my lucky charms, look no further than the Spirituality on Tap happenin' at St. Ben's in Wallingford this Thursday, March 15. You're sure to have some good craic (or good fun, in Gaelic)

Ignatian Spirituality Center presents Dr. Sharon Callahan on Celtic Spirituality and Prayer

Where: St. Benedict's Parish Center, 1805 N 49th St, Seattle, 98103
6:45pm: Gathering
7:00pm: Presentation, Prayer Experience, Small Groups and Q & A
8:45pm: Walk on down to Murphy's Pub to celebrate St. Patty's Day

Dr. Sharon Callahan Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Life; School of Theology and Ministry at Seattle University

DIRECTIONS: Parish Center is on the southeast corner of the intersection of 49th and Wallingford Ave North. Go up the steps and through the door on the second floor. Go left down the hall and left again to the Parish Center Living Room. Murphy's Pub is located on the corner of North 45th St. and Meridian Ave North.

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