Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Maama Omwaana benefit this Saturday

Our friends at Magis: Alumni Committed for Mission sent us this invitation to good fun, good food for a good cause:

You are invited to a fundraiser for the Seattle University-sponsored Maama Omwaana Project, a maternal and child health project in Uganda.

The event will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. on May 19 at Southlake Grill , which is located at 1253 Thomas St. (across from REI). The cost is $40 ($20 for students), and includes an appetizer buffet, entertainment and an information session. RSVP by May 17 to Ruth White, assistant professor of social work, at ruthw@seattleu.edu. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the project.

The Maama Omwaana Safe Motherhood Initiative, Njeru, Uganda uses the force of other mothers-village women and community health workers-to educate the community about safe motherhood. This grassroots educational effort (which relies heavily on bicycles for transportation) is changing health behaviors and resulting in increased use of prenatal care and midwives.

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