Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Revive the Sacred

Sister Mary Ann O'Mara, SNJM, and Sue Wildermuth are facilitating a 2-hour silent meditation on Tuesday evenings, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, on the following dates: May 1, May 15, June 5, July 10 and July 24, 2007. The location is 903 22nd Ave E, Seattle 98112 (across the street from Holy Names Academy).

Sue Wildermuth will begin each session with a breathing exercise and silent meditation followed by a brief break for refreshments (no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol) and return for contemplative prayer with Sr. Mary Ann. Please wear comfortable clothes and bring slippers. All are encouraged to experience these evenings in a relaxed manner. If you have questions, please call Sue Wildermuth at 206.632.0279 or email smwilder@earthlink.net.

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