Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Thanks Catholic Underground!

Big ups and snaps to one of our faves, The Catholic Underground: Faith Gone Digital podcast. They gave us a shout out on their latest show (Episode 30). In their show intro they raved about how our Fishstick Fridays are great events that provide young adult Catholics a variety of prayer experiences followed by a simple supper.

The crew at Catholic Underground includes Deacon Chris Decker, a transitional deacon for the Diocese of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He is also a seminarian studying at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. Fr. Ryan Humphries is a priest for the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana. Daniel Kedinger is a graphic designer with crucé design. Joshua LeBlanc is the co-founder and president of cyberCatholics.com, a 100% Catholic webhosting service. In addition to their website, you can also find them on iTunes.

Wow, ours truly is a faith gone digital when we can share our faith with fellow Catholics way down south in Louisiana!


Anonymous said...

Thanks to you St. Joe's for providing a good example of Lenten practice! May God continue to bless your ministry!

Anonymous said...

Hey the podcast is incredible. We love Deacon Chris and crew! Keep your eyes peeled for the "Jerusalem Stations: digital stations of the cross" event on 3/30. It's a multi-media stations presentation done contemplative Taize-style. It's right up your guys' ally.